AirDropBox Ltd joins the Humanitarian Logistics Association
HLA is a membership association for humanitarian logistics professionals who respond to take relief to and create infrastructure for those affected by global emergencies.
It has been established as a neutral interface between aid organisations, the private, public and academic sectors, and other interested parties and aims to manage a wide spectrum of issues.
The association is at the forefront of thought leadership and development of initiatives to increase the skills and capabilities of its members in order to advance the future the of the humanitarian logistics sector.
HLA is active in five areas
Its mission is to build a community of practice for advancing the humanitarian logistics profession through the promotion of cross organisational learning and collaboration by:
Training and education – the certificate in Humanitarian Logistics, which is administered by the Chartered Institute of Logistics and Transport (CILT-UK).
Professionalism – it aims to develop a recognised career pathway for humanitarian logisticians.
Global network – it fosters community and knowledge-sharing.
Research and knowledge – it is creating a knowledge bank of internationally recognised best practice.
Events – to provide training and networking opportunities.
Who’s involved
The vision for an Humanitarian Logistics Association was first articulated in 2005 by a senior group of humanitarian logisticians. HLA was founded on 21 January 2008, and registered as a charity and formally recognised as an NGO with a global remit in 2009. Today a board of trustees governs the HLA. Each trustee has extensive experience in the sector or has skills that promote its development.